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Bella Jules Hours:

Tuesday 11-5
Wednesday 11-7
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11-5
Sunday 11-4
Closed: Mondays

Store Location

700 Penn Avenue,
West Reading, Pa 19611
Phone: 610-208-0600

Parking is available in the rear of the building.

Bella Jules Map Image



We are always striving to improve your shopping experience—on-line and inside the boutique—customer opinions, wants and needs are vitally important. We will answer any questions you may have and invite you to send suggestions and feedback. If you have "special requests" or heard about a new line we aren't carrying yet, let us know! If you get a ton of compliments on the Bella Jules items you're sporting around town or just can't believe how much you love something you bought here, drop us a line!

Please forward all questions, comments, suggestions, and fan mail to: